2009 Recap
Thursday, December 31, 2009
It's year end and time for a little recap of 2009.
Feb to July: China Immersion Trip (Wuhan)
Spent 127 days in china, far far away from home.
Visited Beijing, Three Gorges Dam and Lushan during the trip.
T02 @ Beijing Tiananmen
Studied,spoke and wrote chinese for the longest time ever.
As living expenses were much cheaper there, food-shop-play have always been one of my favs.Lack of exercise and excessive eating made me put on 2 kgs when i came back.Thank goodness, i didn't bring back a china accent with me.
June: Bro's wedding
Missed my brother's big day on June while i was in china. But managed to capture part of the happy scenes via webcam.
Sep to present: Internship at Wanbao
Started off as a fresh intern in wanbao on 14th sept.
Went for my 1st assignment on the 2nd day.
Learnt that journalism wasn't as simple as i thought.
Survived a few consecutive days of OTs.
Looking forward to Jan 29th.
♥ wanyan
8:05 AM
xmas dinner with THEM
Friday, December 25, 2009
23rd Dec Xmas Dinner @ Sam's House
cheers to a good new ahead
desserts time
gift exchange
models wannabe:)
great time out girls~
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!
♥ wanyan
7:07 AM
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I'm counting down already.
It has been my source of self-motivation to rise and shine every morning.
If given a choice, who wouldn't want more sleep?
Work's so far so good,except for some OTs and overload work.
6 weeks to go.
28 working days.
& 8 days to christmas eve.
♥ wanyan
7:21 AM
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
最近怎么那么多人都去度假?真让人羡慕... 转眼间已经12月,还有多1个月完成实习计划后,就能恢复“自由身”,到时候一定要好好休息一番。*期待*
每当我开始对这份工作产生一丁点兴趣,就会有始料不及的事情,熄灭了这股尚未萌芽的热忱。现实就是这样,很多事都不肯能一帆风顺,反而到处撞壁的事件就常常上演。 我也被“你要继续当记者吗”的问题问及了N次,老实说,我真的不知道,现在也不想去想未来的事。心情好我会说:“可以考虑,但不确定”,心情差则斩钉截铁说:“我不要!”。
when in need of serenity;you'll escape from reality
♥ wanyan
11:34 PM